St. James Catholic Church of Bartlesville
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
Christian Service
St. James has been extensively involved in all aspects of parish life and the greater community of Bartlesville. Lay members are continuously encouraged to live out the Gospel through serving in the Church Ministries and active involvement in other community outreach programs.

Altar Flowers
Every week we place flowers on the altars at St. James in praise to God, through gifts made to the flower ministry. It is a wonderful way to commemorate a birthday, an anniversary, or as a memorial or special intention.
If you would like to sponsor a specific weekend, there is a sign-up book on the back table in the Church or you can contact the Church office.

Altar Servers
Here's a chance to serve the Lord and help your St. James' family out at the same time - be an Altar Server!
The Altar Servers assist with the celebration of the sacred mysteries of the liturgy. They assist by anticipating and responding to the needs of the Presider during the liturgy.
Boys and Girls are encouraged to train for the privilege of serving at the altar. If interested, please contact Deacon Jerry Rutherford for training. Email:

Cross Bearers, Extraordinary Ministers, Gift Bearers, Greeters, Lectors, and Ushers
All Liturgical Ministries are an important service to our Lord and offer a means for parishioners to become involved in our parish life and to practice a life of Christian service.
Cross Bearers leads the procession in and out of the congregation, always keeping the sign of salvation, the cross, as the focal point of the procession.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, commonly known as Eucharistic Ministers, are members of the Parish who assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.
Gift Bearers are usually families or groups of two to four. After the collection, the family or group gathers at the back of church to receive the gifts from the senior usher and process down to the front of the altar where the celebrant awaits the exchange.
Greeters at St. James' have the most important job of welcoming everyone into God's house. They greet parishioners and make them feel comfortable when entering Mass as well as distribute the weekly bulletins to them.
Lectors are an integral part of every Liturgy of the Word. They provide as readers, a reflective, prayerful and intelligible proclamation of the Scriptures. When one answers the call to be a Lector, he/she enters into a deeper relationship with the Word of God as revealed in sacred scripture. Christ speaks through our Lectors to bring the printed word to life.
Ushers are also welcomers who assist the community with seating and take care of the collections. Money is collected in baskets and then brought as a community gift to the altar. Men and women volunteers are always welcome to join this vital ministry.
If interested in any of these ministries, please contact the church office.
The Liturgical Ministry schedule can be found at the bottom of this web page.