St. James Catholic Church of Bartlesville
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
Holy Sacraments

Baptism is the initial sacrament of faith. Infant baptism celebrates the continued faith journey of the parents and the community. Parents are required to take a baptismal preparation class prior to scheduling an infant baptism. Additional programs are available for children 7 years and older and for adults. Please contact the parish office for additional information.

Anointing of the Sick - The Church recognizes the broader use of this sacrament, which is a prayer for healing and offers it to anyone who is seriously ill, whether they are in danger of death or not. A person with an extended illness may receive this sacrament more that once during their illness or recovery. A parishioner or family member may request this sacrament through the parish office. If the office is closed or if you have an emergency which requires a priest for the Anointing, please call the Office at 918-335-0844 - follow the prompts to reach someone who can help.

Reconciliation - Available on Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Opportunities are available during communal penance services scheduled during Advent and Lent.

Marriage is a sacrament which requires a three-way relationship between husband, wife and God. Marriage preparation is designed to assist couples on their journey. Engaged couples are encouraged to notify the Church of their intent to marry at least nine months prior to the preferred wedding date. Couples who are civilly married and wish to be married in the Catholic Church should also notify the Church at least nine months in advance to begin the process.
For more information contact St. James office at 918-335-0844